Sunday, February 2, 2014

I believe...

As I have shared with all of you, over one year ago on September 18th 2012  Jason and I experienced a miscarriage of our first child.  I was 11 weeks along and as expected this rocked our world.  All of our hopes and dreams seemed to come crashing down in a matter of two hours in the Emergency Room.  It took many, many months for us to be able to come to terms with the reality of the situation and face the rest of the world....and we still have no child so that has created a whole new journey:)  I am finally now able to sit here and share our story with you, not because we want sympathy or even prayers but becuase we KNOW there are others out there that have been in this situation or are going through this situation and feel the pain and hurt that we felt.  We didn't have the support network that we now have becuase we were unwilling to share our story.  I want others to know that all of those feelings that you might be feeling or have felt are ever so normal, real and TRUE but I am here for ANYONE that needs a listening ear.

I also just came home from an amazing woman's retreat at Camp Geneva, THANK YOU JULIE for inviting me, that has re-ignited my fire and flame to keep moving forward and put all of my hope, fears and faith in God and God alone!  He has a plan for our lives and unfortunately we do not have a right to plan our own path or a say in these plans....but he does!  Sure, it is easy to say these words but I am truly going to try to live by these words for the next months to come.  I do not know the path that God is going to place our family on; however, I do trust that if my faith is in him and I can believe in his miraculous powers that he WILL get us through these trials and tribulation!  

Of course, THANK YOU GOD, I then see a post from a friend of mine entitle 15 Lessons Learned from a Misscarriage :)  Funny how God puts things that are on your heart in front of you at the same time!  For those of you who are interested I highly suggest that you read the is empowering and SO REAL!  I appreciate real talk as opposed to those that tip toe around such real issues!

On another note...

Tomorrow is Grandpa Bradley's last day of radiation; however, his leg continues to be in a lot of pain so please pray for this to pass.  Also, I am off to the doctor tomorrow afternoon for further wisdom and guidance as to what our next steps in expanding our family will be.   Please pray for wisdom on their behalf and understanding on my behalf.  We do not know what path they will send us on but we are ready to embark a new journey:)

Have a BLESSED week my friends!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for linking to my article - I am so moved that it touched you and grateful that sharing my experience can help others. Wishing you and your family the very best.
