Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Blog!?!

Hello All!

Many of you might be sitting there and thinking, A BLOG!?!  Why a blog Allyson?  Well, I've thought this exact same thing many times and have decided, why not?  I was challenged this past summer at a Writers Workshop Institute to write more. 

 Yea, right...write more...with all the time that I have in my life you think I'm going to write more!  As a teacher I daily ask, or demand on some days, that my students write for 20 minutes each day, but what about me?   With all of the advanced technologies we as adults never write; therefore, I am putting my teacher words into place for myself and finally making this challenge come true.  Better late than never right? 

 Also, 2013 accompanied our family with several highs and lows. I found myself sharing these highs and lows over and over again with many people, asking for the same prayers.  I feel that this blog is an excellent way to share the journey of life with you all and I'm convinced that 2014 is going to be filled with many rich blessings from God above!!

To catch you all up to speed....here is 2013 in a nutshell:)

January 2013- After several doctors appointments following a 11 week Miscarriage in September 2012, a large cyst was found on my right ovary. It was determined at this point that surgery was unenviable and scheduled for February 21st.

February- The large cyst was removed; however, the surgery did not go without complications and my right ovary was removed along with the cyst.  The initial news was devastating and upsetting as plans for family for definitely in the future.  After much consolation with doctors and many sleepless nights in prayer with God it was understood that this WOULD NOT end our journey to creating a family.  God will provide!!

March- Jason's uncle was diagnosed with stage 4 Prostate Cancer.  Treatment options were very limited as the cancer was all over his body and already at stage four.  Jason's cousin Melissa flew home and lived with us for the remainder of the month as she became her fathers care taker in the last weeks of his life. 

April- With heavy hearts God took all of Uncle Denny's pain away and allowed him to enter the gates of Heaven.  This was a huge loss for the Bradley family, yet again, something that we strangely understood with God's mercy.

May- After many conversations with my education colleagues, much prayer and consideration of the future I took a leap of faith and decided that it was time to try something new in the world of education.  I applied for a First Grade General Education Position that was inside the current building that I was teaching in.  To my surprise I was offered the position just ten short days later.  With an anxious and nervous heart I ACCEPTED the position!

August- Jason's best friend Bob Shoemaker was killed in a tragic scuba diving accident on the Grand River.  Our hearts are able to prepare for losses of those that are sick or aging; however, never in my lifetime did I ever think I would need to prepare my heart for a loss such as this.  Not only was the loss hard to swallow but I myself knew I needed to be strong for Jason.  Together, with the support and prayers of many, we were able to get through this difficult time and find peace in God's plan for this as well; however, I can't say that there were not times that we questioned God or said ENOUGH:)

October- After several visits to the hospital and one persistent doctor, Grandpa Bradley (Jason's grandpa) was diagnosed with B Cell Lymphoma in his knee.  This was explained to us as CURABLE cancer; however chemo and radiation would accompany the journey.  UHG, yup again we found ourselves saying REALLY GOD:)  

December- Christmas blessed us with much family time, reflection and time with loved ones!  Although our year has been extremely hard, and no new baby news, we have found ourselves understanding that God has a plan for everything.  When we trust in him we will be blessed.  WOW!  What a whirlwind of a year we have had and I have a feeling that 2014 is not going to slow down...only going to have many more HAPPY events:)  

Stay tuned as the journeys of 2014 is about to begin.  Blessings to you all and THANK YOU for being our support system!  We love each and every one of you:)

1 comment:

  1. In rare cases, the disease cysts can cause serious problems, so the best thing you should do is do Pengobatan Kista now before it's too late and jeopardize the safety of your life.
    You can consume Obat Kista regularly and correctly.
